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How to Learn the Body Whine Dance

Whining originated in the Caribbean.
st thomas,virgin islands,carribean,atlantic ocean, image by Earl Robbins from Fotolia.com

"Whining up" and "whining your body" are terms related to a type of informal dance that is increasingly popular in nightclubs and at parties across the world. Traditionally danced to reggae, soca and other music originating from the Caribbean, this type of dancing is more dependent on rhythm than technical dance skill. Experiment with different methods and resources to learn this dance.

Whining originated in the Caribbean.
st thomas,virgin islands,carribean,atlantic ocean, image by Earl Robbins from Fotolia.com

Things You'll Need:

  • Reggae Music
  • Internet Access
  • Mirror

Start the learning process at home. Familiarize yourself with traditional whining music by listening to some reggae. Dance freestyle to it to get a sense of the rhythm and the regularity of the beat.

Move your hips rhythmically, a vital part of whining, especially in the "Egyptian Whine" dance. Without music, stand in front of a mirror and practice moving your hips in isolation from side to side at a regular pace and in a fluid motion.

Move your hips in front of your mirror, this time to music. Move in time with the beat.

Watch instructional and music videos to familiarize yourself further with whining up. Instructional videos online demonstrate different, advanced types of whining, including the "Dutty Whine" and "Egyptian Whine" dances. To get a sense of informal, freestyle whining, watch dancers in reggae artists' music videos.

Practice whining along to the music videos. Mirror the dancers’ moves, within your own limitations, or develop your own variation on them. Dance to instructional videos once you feel confident enough. Listen to what the instructor is saying as you dance and copy the dancers’ moves to the best of your ability. Do not attempt any moves beyond your physical capability. The "Dutty Whine" has an advanced level and a more moderate version.

Invite friends to practice your moves with you. Watch one another whining to music. Give feedback on where each person is going wrong and what she is doing right.

Go with your friends to a nightclub that plays reggae music and practice whining, as well as watching other people whine.


When practicing at home, dance in a spacious, uncluttered room so as not to injure yourself, restrict your movements or damage any of your possessions.

Wear comfortable clothing and shoes when whining, so you can move freely.

Buy reggae CDs from specialty music stores or search online for tracks and download them to your mp3 player.

Practice along to the same instructional video several times until you get the moves right. Replay parts of the video with which you are having difficulty, following until you master them.


  • Stretching yourself beyond your physical capabilities can result in injury.
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