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How to Lacquer Roses

Preserve your roses with a floral spray.
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Things You'll Need:

  • Rubber band
  • Newspapers
  • Spray bottle
  • White craft glue
  • Acrylic clear spray


  • Make sure you wash your spray bottle and sprayer with hot water and soap as soon as you have finished your craft. This will help prevent the glue from drying and clogging the sprayer.

If you have a bouquet of roses -- or even a single rose -- that you would like to preserve, then consider coating your roses with a floral lacquer or glitter spray. You should lacquer your roses before they begin to brown and die. However, even if you lacquer them a little late, a glitter spray will cover up the browning.

Dry your flowers for a few days. Group them in a bunch, bind them with a rubber band or string and hang them upside down.

Cover your work space with newspapers. Lay your roses on the newspapers.

Fill a spray bottle with equal amounts of water and white craft glue. Spray your rose buds with the mixture.

Sprinkle glitter on top of the blooms and allow the glue to dry.

Spray your roses with a clear, floral lacquer spray that will seal the glitter and strengthen the rose bloom.

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