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How to Fix Cracks in a Briar Pipe

Briar is a strong wood, but capable of cracking if improperly handled.
Hemera Technologies/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images

Pipes have been a popular way to smoke tobacco for centuries. Briar -- more specifically the heat-resistant wood of the roots of the briar plant -- has long been a popular pipe-making material. If properly taken care of, a well-made briar pipe can also last a long time. Occasionally, however, an accident may happen that cracks the pipe. If the pipe still remains in use, the crack may expand and contract with the heat of the pipe which can break the pipe completely if not properly repaired.

Things You'll Need:

  • Wet Cloth
  • Fine-Grained Sandpaper, Either P600 Or P800
  • Wood Glue
  • Wood Stain, In A Color Similar To The Stain On The Briar.
  • Small Paintbrush, Size 000 Or 00
  • Dry Cloth
  • Toothpicks

Remove the stem, or mouthpiece, from the bowl and set it aside. Clean the exterior of the bowl with a moist cloth and pay particular attention to the area around the crack. Dry the bowl thoroughly.

Apply a small amount of wood glue into the crack. Use a toothpick to push as much wood glue into the crack as possible. Continue to add wood glue until the crack is filled. Use a corner of the dry cloth to wipe off any excess glue from the exterior of the pipe bowl. Set the bowl aside until the glue is dry.

Lightly sand the area around the crack with P600 or higher-grade sandpaper until the crack, glue, and bowl are smooth. Wipe and dry the bowl with the cloths to remove any loose wood particles.

Open the wood stain and slightly dip in the paintbrush. Carefully apply the stain to the crack and the sanded area. Let the first coat of stain dry. Continue to add coats of stain to the crack until the area is the same color as the rest of the pipe.


  • Smoking causes cancer.
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