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How to Do Embroidery on Sarees

Metallic Thread
Thread and needle image by Avesun from Fotolia.com

Doing embroidery on a saree can be rewarding and challenging. A saree is usually made from silk or another very light fabric. You can use traditional embroidery stitches but must take a few extra steps to manage this beautiful fabric.

Metallic Thread
Thread and needle image by Avesun from Fotolia.com

Things You'll Need:

  • Embroidery Hoop
  • Embroidery Needle
  • Saree
  • Embroidery Floss Or Silk Thread
  • Tissue Paper

Preparing the Saree

Silk in Many Colors
silk color image by coff47 from Fotolia.com

Flatten out a sheet or two of white tissue paper on a table top and lay the saree on top. Smooth out the surface with your hand, gently, to remove any pockets of air between the saree and the tissue paper.

Set Your Hoop Straight
cerceau & tissus fleuri (2) image by fotogisèle from Fotolia.com

Take the bottom portion of your embroidery hoop and slide it underneath the saree and the tissue paper. Go slowly and center the hoop beneath the area you want to embroider.

You Are Ready to Stitch!
Portrait of a woman in sari image by netzz from Fotolia.com

If desired, take a second piece of tissue paper and cut it into a circle that is a few inches larger than your embroidery hoop. Cut a center hole that is an inch smaller than the hoop. Set the tissue circle over the area you want to embroider and put the top of the embroidery hoop over the saree and layers of tissue paper. Secure the hoop in place and begin stitching.


Use only white tissue paper to avoid any bleeding of color into your silk.

Always remove the embroidery hoop when you are not working. Leaving it in place for long periods can permanently warp the fabric.


  • Always take care in handling silk. Touch it with your fingers as little as possible to avoid warping the fabric.
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