A seat filler at the CMT Music Awards is responsible for filling the audience, and replacing missing audience members. Producers of the show work hard to keep the audience full. Empty seats look bad on camera. When country music artists like Taylor Swift and Keith Urban walk onstage to accept awards, a seat filler is quickly fills the artist's empty seat. In addition to filling empty seats, you could possibly be sitting next to some of the biggest names in country music.
Locate agencies that specialize in filling seats for major events. Companies like Seatfillers & More, Audience Unlimited, Inc. and Moore Casting. Both Seatfillers & More and Audience Unlimited, Inc. have done a variety of award shows, and Moore Casting frequently coordinates audience for CMT. The CMT Awards contracts each years with one or a few different agencies; these agencies will often change each year.
Look on the company's website or contact the agency to sign up as a seat filler for the CMT Awards. Agencies normally announce requests for seat fillers one month before the event. The CMT Awards takes place at the beginning of June every year, so begin contacting seat filler agencies in at the end of April or beginning of May.
Apply to attend the CMT Award show as a seat filler. Many seat filler companies require that you submit a resume, cover letter and picture. The resume should explain your career goals, indicate your address and where you go to school. The cover letter should explain why you want to be a seat filler. The picture should be full-length, and give the company an idea of what you look like and your body shape.
Look for the ticket to the CMT Awards in the mail. The company often only informs you of the job a few days before the show. If you don't live in or near Nashville, TN, you may have trouble getting to the event in such short notice.
Dress up in appropriate attire. Dress as if you were going to a upscale event or concert. Wear solid, medium and dark colors, which show up best on camera. Avoid wearing T-shirts or shorts, white or big prints.
Writer Bio
Si Kingston has been an online content contributor since 2004, with work appearing on websites such as MadeMan. She is a professional screenwriter and young-adult novelist and was awarded the Marion-Hood Boesworth Award for Young Fiction in 2008. Kingston holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mills College.
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