A New Orleans fishing boat captain named Robert Fergusson started the Rust-Oleum Corporation about a century ago, after he noticed that fish oil stopped corrosion on his boat. The hard part was figuring out how to get a fish oil-based paint to dry overnight and not smell like fish oil. Fergusson solved those problems and today the company makes hundreds of finishing products. The familiar cans of rust-inhibiting spray paint are aimed at consumers. Rust-Oleum also makes industrial products including several acrylic enamels and an acrylic hardening additive for those enamels.
Things You'll Need:
- Paint Stirrer
- Measuring Cup
- One Gallon Rust-Oleum Acrylic Enamel
- Screwdriver
- Rust-Oleum Acrylic Hardener
Open a one gallon can of acrylic enamel with a screwdriver. Thoroughly stir the enamel with a paint stirrer.
Pour 2 oz of the acrylic hardener into a measuring cup. Add the hardener to the enamel.
Stir the enamel and the additive thoroughly. Apply the enamel as normal. Use the treated enamel within one day.
Writer Bio
Don Davis has been a professional writer since 1977. He has had numerous writing jobs, including writing news and features for the "Metrowest Daily News" and "Los Angeles Herald-Examiner." Davis has a Bachelor of Arts in English and history from Indiana State University.
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