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How to Add Hardener to Rust-Oleum

The founder of Rust-Oleum wanted to cure rust on his fishing boat.
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A New Orleans fishing boat captain named Robert Fergusson started the Rust-Oleum Corporation about a century ago, after he noticed that fish oil stopped corrosion on his boat. The hard part was figuring out how to get a fish oil-based paint to dry overnight and not smell like fish oil. Fergusson solved those problems and today the company makes hundreds of finishing products. The familiar cans of rust-inhibiting spray paint are aimed at consumers. Rust-Oleum also makes industrial products including several acrylic enamels and an acrylic hardening additive for those enamels.

Things You'll Need:

  • Paint Stirrer
  • Measuring Cup
  • One Gallon Rust-Oleum Acrylic Enamel
  • Screwdriver
  • Rust-Oleum Acrylic Hardener

Open a one gallon can of acrylic enamel with a screwdriver. Thoroughly stir the enamel with a paint stirrer.

Pour 2 oz of the acrylic hardener into a measuring cup. Add the hardener to the enamel.

Stir the enamel and the additive thoroughly. Apply the enamel as normal. Use the treated enamel within one day.

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