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How to Clean Giuseppe Armani Figurines

Clean Giuseppe Armani Figurines

Considered a modern day successor to the Renaissance style of art, Giuseppe Armani began sketching as soon as he was old enough to hold a pencil. His passion for art eventually turned toward sculpting, and the byproduct of a life dedicated to precision and detail is a widely celebrated line of statues and figurines. These collectible figurines aren't cheap, so you'll want to keep them in the best condition possible. Cleaning these figurines is an easily accomplished task that is important in preserving your Giuseppe Armani figurines.

Brush the figurines to remove any loose dust or dirt particles with a soft-bristled brush.

Wipe the figurines down with a soft, clean cloth dampened by cool water. Be careful not to saturate the figurine and wipe the figurine carefully.

Use a very small brush, such as a makeup brush to reach into small, hard-to-reach places to dislodge dirt and dust.

Use a pencil eraser to erase smudges on the figurine; be careful and press lightly.

Apply a small amount of Old English furniture polish to a soft, clean cloth and gently wipe the wooden base of the figurine.

Things You'll Need:

  • Soft bristle brush
  • Soft clean cloth
  • Pencil eraser
  • Old English furniture polish


Keep your Giuseppe Armani figurines in a box when not being displayed to protect them.


  • Your figurines should be kept away from direct sunlight.
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