The Central Pneumatic Airbrush has a relatively simple design, but you must put the different parts of it together properly for it to function well. Whether you plan to use acrylic, enamel or lacquer paints, or a can of compressed air or an air compressor, the Central Pneumatic Airbrush requires specific assembly and methods for use. With the airbrush properly assembled, you can apply delicate airbrushed strokes to a number of different surfaces from canvas to automotive bodies.
Things You'll Need:
- Central Pneumatic Airbrush Kit
- Safety Goggles
- Respirator
- Paper Towels
- Air Compressor Or Can Of Compressed Air
- Acrylic, Enamel Or Lacquer Paint
Rinse the Central Pneumatic Airbrush jar with water, removing any paint residue or debris. Dry the jar thoroughly with a paper towel.
Mix your paint thoroughly. Only mix paints with the same type of paint. For example, only mix acrylic with acrylic, never acrylic with lacquer or enamel. Dilute enamel and lacquer with equal parts paint thinner and paint and refer to manufacturer instructions for recommended product mixing ratios.
Fill the air brush jar 2/3 full with paint. Do not overfill.
Screw the paint jar onto the lid attached to the air brush body.
Screw one end of the hose from the Central Pneumatic air brush kit to the nozzle in the middle of the air brush.
Screw the opposite end of the hose to an air compressor using the 1/4-inch NPT adapter or a can of compressed air using the 1/4-inch 18 NPT adapter with air control.
Adjust the air pressure by manipulating the air compressor's output pressure to approximately 30 PSI. If you opt to use a can of compressed air, adjust the can's output to approximately 30 PSI by turning the air control on the 1/4-inch 18 NPT adapter counter-clockwise.
Turn the fluid cap beneath the spray nozzle of the air brush counter-clockwise to increase, or clockwise to decrease the flow of paint.
Put on safety goggles and a respirator with working seals and fresh filters.
Press the spray button on the opposite side of the air brush from the air hose connector to spray paint. Spray in smooth, even strokes to prevent the paint from running.
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