Making a deer blind is a good way to be able to enjoy the outdoors and hunting without freezing or getting rained on. A deer blind is essentially a camouflaged shed with a firing slit and some amenities inside.
Measure the rectangular space that you want to use for the deer blind. The length and width can be any amount you want, though a 6 foot-by- 6 foot footprint would be more than adequate. Use the shovel to mark the outline, with one side of the rectangle facing towards where the deer usually forage.
Dig down one foot with the shovel over the entire deer blind outline you made. Put the dirt to the side as you will be reusing it later. Pour gravel into the hole until the level of gravel rises up to the top. Spread the gravel with the shovel and make the gravel even across the entire footprint. Sink 4x4 planks into each corner. The length of the planks depend upon how high you want the roof. Sink at least 10 percent of the overall length of the plank into the gravel to provide sturdy support.
Lay down plastic sheeting over the gravel. It is okay to go past the outline of the deer blind footprint by a few inches. Use the power drill to screw in 2x4 planks onto the sides of the 4x4 posts. The lengths will depend on the size of the deer blind that you are making. Continue to affix 2x4 planks onto the posts until there is a foot left at the top of the posts, except for one wall which should be a single plank higher then all the other walls. Place the door against the side of the deer blind facing away from the foraging area. Trace the outline by marking the wood with the shovel. Obliterate the mark once you saw through, so do not worry about how it looks.
Cut the outline with a circular saw until you have a door-shaped hole in the wall. Screw in the door hinges to the door first. Screw the attached hinges to the wall next, thereby affixing the door to the wall. Open the door and place down rubber mats over the plastic sheeting to provide a steady footing. Lay down 2x4 planks on the top of the deer blind, the wall with the extra plank makes the roof slope. Screw in a single layer of plastic sheeting on top for weather protection.
Screw plastic sheeting on the sides of the deer blind for further weatherization. Cut the sheeting over the door into strips so that you can pass through it. Cut a one foot high by five foot wide rectangular hole in the wall facing the foraging space.This is your firing slit. Line the hole with 2x4 planks, then drape another plastic sheet over the new window, only drilling at the top so you can remove it later on. Drape camouflage netting over the entire deer blind to hide the shed from the deer. Pile the dirt against the sides so that the ground rises up to the sides gradually; right angles are unnatural and stand out.
Things You'll Need:
- Measuring tape
- Power drill
- Wood screws
- Plastic sheeting
- Camouflage netting
- 2X4 planks
- 4x4 plank
- Circular saw
- Shovel
- Door
- Door hinges
- Gravel
- Rubber mats
Writer Bio
Harvey Birdman has been writing since 2000 for academic assignments. He has trained in the use of LexisNexus, Westlaw and Psychnotes. He holds a Juris Doctor and a Master of Business Administration from the Chicago Kent School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in both political science and psychology from the University of Missouri at Columbia.
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