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Allis-Chalmers 2900 Diesel Engine Specifications

91 Honda Accord Engine Specifications
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Allis-Chalmers used its D2900 diesel engine in the 180, 185, 190, 200, 7000, 7010, 7020, and 8010 tractors; the F, G, L and M series combines; and the TL-345B, TL-454B, TL-545, TL-605B, TL-840B, TL-918, and TL-940 loaders and backhoes. This makes the D2900 one of the more commonly encountered of Allis-Chalmers diesel engines.


The D2900 is a water-cooled, turbocharged, in-line six-cylinder diesel engine.


The D2900 has a cylinder bore of 3.875 inches and a stroke of 4.25 inches, for a total displacement of 301 cubic inches.


The rated power is 106 horsepower at 2,200 rpm.


The compression ratio is 16.25-to-1.

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