Wooly nylon thread is a yarn-like thread that is textured and yet extremely soft. This thread is very different from normal soft threads because it is very strong and durable despite its softness. Since the thread is also textured, it makes for excellent embellishment and can also be used for finishing decorative products.
Wooly nylon thread is made up of multiple filaments and therefore is extremely strong. Each of the filaments in the thread is crimped and, when they are joined together, the resulting strand has a lot of elasticity, as well as a ravel-free finish. The thread produces soft cloth which can stretch well due to the inherent quality of the thread.
Wooly nylon thread is used for making intimate wear like lingerie and swimwear, due to the soft feel of the thread. The thread can be used to cover edges in ruffled decorations. The thread can also be used as an embellishment with thicker, decorative thread. This looks best when used in a wave-like pattern or a wave stitch. The thread can also be used in machine quilting and machine embroidery.
There are two types of wooly nylon thread. One is the wooly metallic thread, in which the filaments of the wooly nylon thread have a strand of metal interlocked with them. This thread is ideal for rolling hems and overlocking stitches. The second type of wooly nylon thread is the wooly variegated thread. This is a multicolored thread in which filaments of different colors are spun together. These are used to create multicolored design patterns.
Special Varieties
There are some special varieties of wooly nylon thread that are heavier. Though the basic characteristics of the wooly nylon thread does not change, there are added filaments which make the wooly nylon thread up to three times heavier. This makes the thread easier to use with the loopers of sergers.
Wooly nylon threads are strong and durable because of which they are used for hemming and creating decorative embellishments like ruffles. The threads are available in single color or multiple color varieties. They can be used with other decorative threads to make patterns on clothes. The softness of the threads also adds a special appeal to the look and feel of the thread.
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