Though not black, but a deep red, the Black Baccara rose bears dark velvety petals with black edges. With contradictory meanings attributed to the Black Baccara, and black roses in general, their symbolism is in the mind of the beholder.
Hope and Optimism
Because a truly black flower does not actually exist, the Black Baccara rose is said to symbolize undying hope, optimism and expectation that a black rose will someday be a reality.
Death and Farewell
The Victorians embraced the language of flowers, called floriography. In the language of flowers, black roses meant death, farewell or sometimes obsession.
Mystery and Magic
Down through history, black has been considered an unnatural flower color and so it takes on the aura of mystery and magic.
Love and Passion
Used in bridal bouquets, especially for winter weddings, the Black Baccara imparts the meaning of a depth of love and romance.
Villains and Vampires
With literary license, the creators of fictional characters sometimes imbue their villains and vampires with a fondness for black roses as in "A Dozen Black Roses" by Nancy Collins.
Writer Bio
Marilyn Crain has been working as a freelance writer since 1999. She enjoys writing on a wide range of topics, with college-bound articles appearing in "Next Step Magazine" and travel stories on among her published work.
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