Praise dance is standard in the order of many church services. The argument as to whether or not praise dance is appropriate ignites theological discussions worldwide. Nevertheless, praise dance continues to grow in popularity and to develop into different styles
Liturgical Dance
Liturgical dance is a kind of lyrical dance; it is composed of ballet, jazz, and modern dance elements. The choreography, performed during a mass or church service, includes movements that convey specific symbols of worship such as a cross, and specific acts of worship such as kneeling.
Worship Dance
Worship dance is also a kind of lyrical dance. A worship dance presentation aims at evoking an adoration of God within the hearts of an audience. This style of dance is introspective and solemn.
Sacred Dance
Sacred dance is a term that means the dance practiced by any religion; whereas, liturgical, worship, praise and gospel dance are specific to Christianity.
Praise Dance
Praise dance grew out of the African-American church. The tempo of praise dance is upbeat and faster than the tempos of liturgical and worship dance. Clapping, rocking of the body, and waving of the hands are typical praise dance movements.
Gospel Dance
Gospel dance, as praise dance, grew out of the African-American church. Gospel dance is dramatic and theatrical; it uses elements of the theater such as miming.
Writer Bio
Ebony Haywood began writing professionally in 2009. Her work has appeared on eHow. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in music from California State University in Dominguez Hills.
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