Liquid stitches hold different substances together, much like glue. Unlike traditional glue, however, these stitches are designed for use on the skin and with the flexibility to be used on cloth. Liquid stitches are often used in minor medical emergencies as well as for small sewing projects. How you remove liquid stitches depends on how and where the stitches were applied.
There are two main types of liquid stitches. Both are essentially a form of glue. Medical professionals often use a liquid stitch to hold skin together after a cut. This kind of liquid stitch is designed to be safe on skin and cause no damage to delicate tissues and muscles in the body.
The second kind of liquid stitch is used in place of sewing thread. The stitch is often used to hem items and hold cloth together where a seam has been ripped or torn. These two kinds of liquid stitches are very different, and cannot be interchanged.
The purpose of a medical liquid stitch is to provide patients with an alternative to medical stitches for minor cuts. Extremely deep cuts are usually still sewn in the traditional way, but many smaller cuts, such as on the hands and head, can be held together by a liquid stitch rather than using the painful process of a traditional stitch. Liquid stitches are essentially a high-tech version of a butterfly adhesive bandage.
Liquid stitches in sewing provide an option for small sewing projects rather than bringing out a sewing machine or hand sewing. The liquid stitch works best on small projects and projects that will not see a lot of wear and tear.
Because of their nature, liquid stitches can be hard to remove. For medical liquid stitches, the best way to remove them is with soap, water and a soft brush. The stitches should not be removed except under a doctor’s recommendation. Usually a medical liquid stitch will come off at the correct time on its own.
A sewing liquid stitch is a different story. These stitches are designed to hold up even in the heat of the dryer and through many washings. The best way to remove a liquid stitch is with a store-bought glue remover, available at any home supply store. Purchase a remover that is safe for use on cloth. Spread the remover along the liquid stitch line and wait for it to absorb into the fabric. Within a few minutes you should be able to scrape away the stitching.
Writer Bio
Brenda Priddy has more than 10 years of crafting and design experience, as well as more than six years of professional writing experience. Her work appears in online publications such as Donna Rae at Home, Five Minutes for Going Green and Daily Mayo. Priddy also writes for Archstone Business Solutions and holds an Associate of Arts in English from McLennan Community College.
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