The violin is an orchestral instrument that has four strings and can be bowed or plucked. The violin is used in many different musical genres such as classical, country, bluegrass and pop. If you enjoy composing music and you like the sound of the violin, you may want to write music for this instrument. You can accomplish this task by using standard musical notation symbols for pitch and rhythm.
Things You'll Need:
- Blank Sheet Music
- Pencil
Write notes in the bass clef of a piece of blank staff paper if the notes correspond to the lower pitches of the instrument, which are mainly located on the G string. The bass clef is the lower set of five staff lines on a piece of sheet music. The actual clef symbol located at the beginning of the lines looks similar to a backwards "C." The violin's lowest note is G below middle C. This G is written on the top space of the bass clef. The next whole note, which is A, is located on the top line of the bass clef. The B below middle C can be written on top of the top line of the bass clef, and middle C can be written just above B on its own ledger line. You can continue with notes above middle C on the bass clef, although it usually makes more sense to write these notes on the treble clef.
Write notes that pertain to the D, A and E strings on the treble clef. The treble clef is the top set of five staff lines on a sheet of music. The treble clef symbol looks a little like a fancy "G." The lines of the treble clef correspond with the notes E, G, B, D and F. The spaces are occupied by the notes F, A, C and E. You can write a D above middle C just under the first line and you can write middle C below D, on its own ledger line.
Write the higher pitches of the E string on ledger lines. The pitches of the musical alphabet are A, B, C, D, E, F and G. After you pass the top line of the treble clef, you have a G note, followed by an A, which is on its own ledger line. The next notes alternate alphabetically between being on a ledger line and in between ledger lines. If a note is so high that you would have to use an unsightly amount of ledger lines to write it, you can write the note one octave lower and add a "+8" notation above it to indicate that the note should be played one octave higher.
Write sharps with the symbol "#" and flats with the symbol "b."
Use proper rhythm notation depending on how long a note lasts. For instance, a whole note looks like a circle and usually receives four beats. A half note looks like a whole note with a stem and usually gets two beats. A quarter note looks like a filled-in half note and usually receives one beat. An eighth note looks like a quarter note with a flag or with a single bar connecting it to another note; eighth notes usually get one half of a beat.
Writer Bio
Charlotte Johnson is a musician, teacher and writer with a master's degree in education. She has contributed to a variety of websites, specializing in health, education, the arts, home and garden, animals and parenting.
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