Rap music is becoming one of the most popular forms of music. You don't have to be Dr. Dre to get your rap lyrics noticed. It's possible to sell your rap lyrics to the big-time stars; it just takes patience, persistence and true talent. If you're sure you have the latter, you can work on the former.
Write all that you can. Write when you are on your lunch break at work, and write when you are stuck in traffic or on the subway. Keep a pen and pad with you at all times to record lyrics any time you feel inspiration. The more music you have, the more you can share and sell.
Copyright your lyrics. It's extremely important that you protect yourself by a copyright. Some also choose to mail their lyrics to themselves in a sealed envelope. That can be done, but a copyright is usually sound protection. Keep in mind that you can copyright specific lyrics, but you cannot copyright general ideas. Be cautious of who you choose to tell about your music.
Make a demo compact disc. Even if you are not the world's premiere rapper, you need to get your lyrics recorded in a demo. Find someone willing to rap for you if your voice is completely wrong for the songs.
Submit your lyrics to record producers and agents. It's best if you can find an agent and manager first. They can take care of all the details like submissions. However, nobody is going to be as big of an advocate for your music as you are. If you don't have representation, get the word out by submission.
Build pages on social networking websites. MySpace, Facebook and eHow are taking the world by storm as top networking websites. Make a page on each one so that you can meet others who are interested in rap music. You can share your demo, and you can even befriend those who are successful in the industry.
Go to industry mixers. Meet as many people as possible who can light the way for your career. It's an important part of the business. It just takes one right connection to complete the circle for success.
Even after you succeed, you should keep writing. Having a career as a rap songwriter takes dedication if it is to be one of longevity.
- Don't criticize the work of others publicly. Stay positive in this industry.
Writer Bio
Robin Raven was first published in 1998. She has contributed to newspapers, magazines and online publications, including "The Malibu Times," "Act'ionLine" for Friends of Animals, USA Today Travel Tips and the official Melissa Gilbert website. Raven specializes in travel, health, beauty, culture, vegan nutrition, joyful living, arts and entertainment. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in writing.
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