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How to Polish Aluminum Heads

Polishing aluminum heads can be a challenging task. You do not want to use a harsh abrasive or you can end up ruining the heads. All you need are the right products and you can polish aluminum heads at home. Use the following steps as a guide.

Things You'll Need:

  • Rags
  • Water
  • Hand-Held Drill
  • Mothers Powermetal Aluminum
  • Tsp
  • Mothers Powerball Drill Mounted Polisher
  • Dry Towels

Clean the aluminum heads of all dust and dirt using a solution of 1/2 cup TSP (Tri-Sodium Phosphate) to one gallon of warm water. Use a wet rag to apply the solution.

Rinse the aluminum heads in warm water until the water runs clear.

Dry with a towel.

Place a Mothers PowerBall Drill Mounted Polisher on your hand-held drill and drizzle the PowerBall with your Mothers PowerMetal Aluminum.

Turn on the drill and work the Mothers PowerMetal Aluminum over the surface of the aluminum heads. Make sure the heads are covered and allow the cleaner to sit on the surface of the aluminum heads for 10 to 15 minutes.

Buff the head with a cotton cloth to remove the Mothers PowerMetal Aluminum.


Brasso will also work on aluminum, but may leave slight scratching.


  • Using abrasive products such as sandpaper or grinding stones will polish the heads, but may also ruin the heads if you remove too much of the surface.
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