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How To Paint Orange-peel Textured Wall Treatments

Paint orange-peel walls in long, vertical strokes for even coverage.
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Orange-peel wall texture has a slight texture similar to the peel of the citrus fruit. The texture is found in many homes built around the 80s and later. The texture is sprayed on and slightly smoothed down. Orange peel hides minor wall imperfections. Painting orange-peel walls is similar to painting smooth walls, but a few minor changes must be made.

Things You'll Need:

  • Damp sponge
  • Medium-nap roller
  • Drywall primer
  • Angled paintbrush
  • Latex paint


About 1 gallon of latex paint covers 400 square feet of wall surface. Open all windows to increase air flow before painting. Label your paint cans and lids, indicating paint color and what room the color was used in.


  • Wear old painting clothes and a hat when to avoid getting paint on yourself. Wear latex or nitrile gloves so paint does not get onto your nails or hands.

Wipe down orange-peel walls with a damp sponge to ensure no dust or grime is on the walls. Paint will not stick to dust.

Use a medium-nap roller to roll two coats of drywall primer over the orange-peel wall treatment. Allow each layer to dry from 2 to 4 hours. The primer covers the plaster used to create the orange-peel texture and seals the wall treatment. Do not apply pressure when rolling. Roll the paint with even, vertical strokes. Use an angled paintbrush to apply primer around the perimeter of the wall where the roller cannot reach.

Add your latex finish paint to the wall's surface. Apply the paint using the same vertical strokes used to apply the primer. Apply one to three coats of paint as needed to evenly cover the orange-peel treatment. Paint the edge of the wall's surface with the angled brush. Fewer layers may be required to trim out the room, because the paint is applied more heavily with a paint brush.

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