Things You'll Need:
- Stiff broom
- Wet/dry vacuum cleaner
- Hose
- Paving paint
- Stirrer
- Mineral turpentine
- Paint tray
- Paint brush or short-nap roller
Do not paint your brick pavers if the temperature is below 50 degrees F or if it is forecast to rain within 12 hours. Do not pour unused and unwanted paint and turpentine down drains or sinks. Dispose of these materials responsibly.
Brick pavers are most commonly used to form walkways, driveways and patios. You can make the pavers more stain-resistant by coating the brick surface with paving paint. Because the paint is made with polyurethane modified alkyd resin and contains a slip-guard, it makes the pavers easier to clean and people are less likely to slip on them. Painted brick pavers will last longer than those that are merely sealed, though the pavers will likely need a new coat of paint eventually.
Prepare brick pavers to receive the paint by sweeping away any dirt or grit with a stiff broom or wet/dry vacuum cleaner. Then spray the pavers down with a hose and allow the pavers to dry completely.
Stir the paving paint with a flat paint stirrer throughout the painting process.
Dilute the first coat of paint with 20 percent mineral turpentine. This will help the paint adhere to the brick paver. You can do this in a separate (empty) paint can or bucket or in a paint tray. Apply the second (and third, if necessary) coat at full strength.
Apply all coats with a paint brush or a short-nap roller, and allow each to dry thoroughly (up to six hours) before applying the next.
Clean the rim of paint cans with leftover paint in them and ensure the lid is tightly closed. Rinse all brushes, rollers and stirrers with turpentine promptly after painting, then rinse them with fresh water.
Writer Bio
Gail began writing professionally in 2004. Now a full-time proofreader, she has written marketing material for an IT consulting company, edited auditing standards for CPAs and ghostwritten the first draft of a nonfiction Amazon bestseller. Gail holds a Master of Arts in English literature and has taught college-level business communication, composition and American literature.
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