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How to Mix Paint With Epoxy

Make less-visible repairs with tinted epoxy.
Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images

Epoxy is a jack-of-all-trades. It is an adhesive, a filler, a coating, and a sealant. Two-part epoxies are traditionally transparent, however, there are several occasions when tinting is necessary. When using epoxy for an application where it will be visible, such as when repairing a broken, colored vase or when filling a nicked piece of furniture, tinting helps the epoxy blend in more, making repairs less visible. Tint epoxy the desired color using enamel hobby paint. Sold in small bottles, enamel hobby paints are available in a range of colors.

Things You'll Need:

  • Small plastic container
  • Small, round artist's paintbrush
  • Paper
  • Plastic spatula

Mix two or more enamel hobby paint colors together in a small plastic container, if necessary, to make a color match. Mix just a few drops, as very little is needed to tint epoxy. Mix the colors together with a small, round artist’s paintbrush.

Smear the mixture across a piece of white paper to test the color. Hold the paper up to the color being matched and adjust further, if necessary. White coloring agent is also available, for lightening colors.

Extrude equal parts of epoxy resin and epoxy curing agent. Extrude the amount needed for the application. For large projects, ensure that only the amount of epoxy that can be prepared and applied within that time is being extruded. Consult the cure time for the particular epoxy being used.

Mix together the resin and curing agent thoroughly with a plastic craft spatula. Many two-part epoxy systems come with a plastic spatula.

Add just a drop or two of the enamel hobby paint to the epoxy to start. Enamel hobby paints are rich, making the tinting power strong.

Mix the paint into the epoxy, using the plastic spatula. If the color is not rich enough or if the epoxy is still too translucent, add a drop or two more of paint.


  • Avoid skin contact, eye contact and excessive inhalation of vapors when working with epoxy and enamel.
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