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How to Make Paint Look Iridescent

Use glazes or topcoats to give your paint an irridescent finish.
Hemera Technologies/Photos.com/Getty Images

Things You'll Need:

  • Rags
  • Drop cloths
  • Painter’s tape
  • Iridescent glaze
  • Paint tray
  • Paintbrush
  • Plastic trowel
  • Paint roller (no textured finish)

A coat of paint can give any room in your home an instant lift. Add a bit of shimmer and sheen with an iridescent glaze or topcoat. Glaze is a thick paste-like substance and is applied after your paint coats have dried. Though it is a bit opaque when first applied, when it dries it adds a clear shimmer to your paint color and gives the wall a unique texture. An iridescent topcoat adds glimmer without texture. Proper application and care when applying either is necessary to achieve the level of iridescence you desire.

Textured Finish

Wash your wall with soapy water and scrub with rags to remove dirt and grime. Rinse the wall with clean water and let dry completely. Lay drop cloths and tape off walls and areas you don’t want painted.

Pour a small amount of your glaze into a paint tray. Dip your paintbrush into the glaze and apply a layer of glaze to your wall. Use long, even strokes to apply the glaze in medium-thin layer over the entire surface you want to have an iridescent finish. Let dry until the glaze is semidry and is the consistency of oatmeal.

Dip your plastic trowel in the paint tray and place a wedge of glaze on the edge of the trowel. Working on a small area of the wall, apply the glaze in long criss-cross motions so that the glaze makes “x” marks on the wall, reapplying glaze as necessary to keep the application opaque and thick. Apply in this manner over the entire wall, doing small sections at a time. Allow this layer to dry until it feels dry to the touch.

Dip your plastic trowel in the paint tray and place a wedge of glaze on the edge of the trowel. Working on a small area of the wall, apply the glaze in small circular motions over the entire wall, reapplying glaze as necessary to keep the application thick and opaque. Allow this layer to dry completely.

Non-Textured Finish

Wash your wall with soapy water and scrub with rags to remove dirt and grime. Rinse the wall with clean water and let dry completely. Lay drop cloths and tape off walls and areas you don’t want painted.

Open the iridescent topcoat and mix it well with a stirring stick. Pour a good amount of the iridescent topcoat in a clean paint tray.

Roll your paint roller in the paint tray until it is covered in the topcoat. Roll the topcoat over your wall in long, smooth criss-cross motions. Repeat until your entire wall is covered. Let dry at least 24 hours.

Repeat if necessary until you have the level of iridescence you desire. Let dry 24 hours between coats.

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