A baby bracelet can be a beautiful accessory for a special occasion in a young baby's life. Perhaps a christening or dedication ceremony is approaching and you would like to make an heirloom gift for the baby that will be treasured as a priceless keepsake. With only a few tools and materials, you can create a beautiful baby bracelet.
Things You'll Need:
- Closure Clasp
- Small Pearls And Clear Crystals (3-4 Mm Size)
- Crimping Pliers
- Small Spacers (3-4 Mm Size)
- Wire Cutters
- 2 Crimp Beads
- Beading Wire (0.18 Gauge)
Cut a 7-inch length of beading wire with the wire cutters.
String a crimp bead onto one end of the beading wire.
Place one half of the closure clasp onto the same end of the wire and pass the end of the wire back through the crimp bead. Tighten the wire so that there is a tail approximately 1/2-inch long extending out of the crimp bead.
Crimp the crimp bead with the crimping pliers and trim off the excess tail of beading wire. Make sure you do not trim off the beading wire that you will string the beads onto.
Design your beading arrangement. Experiment with different designs until you are happy with the look. A suggestion might be to string a pearl, a spacer, a crystal, a spacer and repeat this sequence throughout the entire bracelet.
Begin stringing your beads onto the bracelet. Push the beads right up to the crimped crimp bead. Continue stringing until there is approximately 1- inch of beading wire left.
Add the second crimp bead and the other half of the closure clasp to the beading wire. Pass the beading wire back through the crimp bead.
Tighten up the wire so that all the beads are strung tightly along the beading wire and no wire shows through between the beads.
Crimp the second crimp bead with the crimping tool.
Trim off any excess beading wire to finish the baby bracelet.
Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.
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