Triangle valances are distinctive and unusual window decor that complement drapery panels. An easy method for making triangle valances involves making one large, lined valance with a horizontal edge along the top of the window and the point of the triangle extending down to a center point on the upper window. Attach the valance with drapery clips and a curtain rod for easy, no-fuss installation.
Things You'll Need:
- Sewing Machine
- Scissors
- Drapery Clips
- Lining Fabric (Lightweight Cotton)
- Matching Thread
- Hand-Sewing Needle
- Valance Fabric (Sturdy Decorator Fabric)
- Curtain Rod
- Tape Measure
- Pins
- Iron
Measure the width of your window, and add 1 inch to that measurement.
Lay out newspaper on a flat surface to construct the pattern. The long edge of the triangle will be the width of the window (plus 1 inch). The two top angles of the triangle will be 45-degree angles, and the bottom point of the triangle will be the right angle of the triangle. Draw a line that is equal to your window width onto the newspaper, and then draw the remaining two edges of the triangle by making the two 45-degree angles.
Cut out your newsprint pattern.
Place the pattern over your valance fabric, and cut one triangle piece from this fabric. Do the same with your lining fabric.
Lay the lining fabric triangle onto a flat work surface with the right side facing up. Place the valance fabric triangle over the lining fabric with the wrong side facing up. Line up the corners and the edges, and pin the two layers together.
Stitch the two layers together 1/2 inch from the edges. Leave a 5-inch opening along the long upper edge of the triangle for turning.
Turn the fabric triangle right side out, and press the edges. Make sure all three corners are perfectly pointed.
Hand stitch the 5-inch opening along the upper edge closed.
Attach the drapery clips to the upper edge of the triangle valance, spacing the clips approximately 3 to 4 inches apart.
Install a curtain rod above your window, if necessary. Slide the rings of the drapery clips over the rod to install your triangle valance over your window.
Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.
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