Two basic types of chords exist in music: major and minor. Major chords typically consist of the root note, the third, the fifth and occasionally the octave. Minor chords consist of the same notes but with a lowered third. A number after the chord indicates to add that interval. For example, a G2 chord contains the notes G, A, B and D. According to Hobby Hour, the chord should be properly written as Gadd2 or Gadd9.
Things You'll Need:
- Guitar
- Piano
Look at the black and white keys on the keyboard. White keys represent notes, and black keys represent accidentals or half steps that fall between the notes.
The black keys fall in alternating groups of two and three. Place your little finger on the white key to the right of the first key in a group of three. This is G.
Place your ring finger on the white key immediately to the right for A. A is always the second white key between three black keys.
Place your middle finger on B, immediately to the right of A.
Stretch your index finger over C and place it on D. You can also place the index finger of your right hand on the octave of G. Press all keys simultaneously to play a G2 chord.
Place your ring finger on the 5th fret of the D string to form G. Press firmly, without letting your fingers touch any other strings.
Place your middle finger on the 4th fret of the G string to form B.
Press the 3rd fret of the B string to form D with your index finger.
To form the 2nd/9th interval of A, press the 5th fret of the high E string with your little finger.
Strum the top four strings. If the chord sounds muted or if you hear a buzzing sound, reposition your fingers on the frets so the strings firmly touch them. Use only your fingertips to avoid strings vibrating against your fingers and dulling the sound.
Writer Bio
Michael Smathers studies history at the University of West Georgia. He has written freelance online for three years, and has been a Demand Studios writer since April 2009. Michael has written content on health, fitness, the physical sciences and martial arts. He has also written product reviews and help articles for video games on BrightHub, and martial arts-related articles on Associated Content.
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