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How to Hang Wind Chimes

Jens Lambert/Demand Media

The location you choose to hang wind chimes greatly affects how they will sound -- or if they'll make much sound at all. As their name implies, wind chimes require access to at least a slight breeze in order to create melodic sounds. Some type of hook, such as a ceiling hook or a hook-style plant hanger, is required to hang the chimes properly.

Things You'll Need:

  • Pencil
  • Stepladder or step stool
  • Ceiling hook
  • Shepherd's hook plant stand (optional)
  • Drill with narrow bit


If portions of your chimes are made from bamboo or other forms of wood, keep them in a somewhat protected environment, such as on a porch, where they will not be exposed to moisture. If you wish to use chimes out in a yard where they can get wet, select chimes designed for outdoor use, such as glass-bottle chimes.

For chimes longer than 3 feet, a tall shepherd's hook plant hanger with a long, sturdy "arm" offers enough room for the chime to move without obstructions. In some cases, the clapper portion of the chime -- the piece that catches the wind -- hangs so low that it may wrap around the shepherd's hook post on a windy day. Keep an eye on it to ensure this doesn't happen.

Short, narrow chimes may also be hung from deck hooks or wall hooks designed to hold plants. As with other hanging methods, the chime should be able to move without hitting nearby objects.

To hang a chime from a tree, cut a piece of a bicycle inner tube to protect the tree branch; then set a piece of rope or thin chain atop the rubber tube. Secure key rings or carabiners to the ends of the rope or chain to connect to the chime-hanging ring.

Jens Lambert/Demand Media

Select a location, such as a porch or near a patio outdoors, that receives a gentle breeze on an average day. Choose a spot that has no obstructions, such as walls, posts or trees that may prevent the chimes from moving freely.

Jens Lambert/Demand Media

Draw a pencil dot on a beam or ceiling location if you're hanging the chimes from the ceiling. Use a stepladder or step stool to reach the ceiling. If you're using a ground-based plant hook instead of a ceiling hook, push the shepherd's hook plant hanger into the ground in a suitable location and skip to Step 5.

Jens Lambert/Demand Media

Drill a shallow pilot hole into the pencil dot using a drill bit narrower than the screw thread on the ceiling hook.

Jens Lambert/Demand Media

Insert the ceiling hook into the pilot hole, turning it clockwise to thread it into the ceiling. Keep the screw thread perpendicular to the ceiling -- perfectly straight -- while tightening it to ensure the hook hangs properly.

Jens Lambert/Demand Media

Hang the loop or ring connected to the top of the wind chimes structure to the ceiling hook or plant hanger. Push the chimes a bit from side to side to ensure they have room to move without hitting nearby objects.

Jens Lambert/Demand Media

Leave the chimes in place for a day or two, listening to them during different wind conditions. If you're pleased with their performance, leave them where they are; otherwise, select a new location.


  • If you're hanging large, heavy wind chimes from a ceiling, use a ceiling hook rated to hold a weight heavier than your chimes. Pair the hook with a ceiling anchor to ensure the weight of the chimes if the hook is not inserted in a wood beam or a stud, or the hook may pull out a chunk of the ceiling.
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