The date can decide its monetary value, but collectors of LeCoultre Atmos clocks will find any version of this elegant timepiece a treasure. Retail and secondary markets cater to clock watchers who continue to be captivated by the classic chronometer. Surprisingly, considering all of the interest in Atmos clocks, there is no definitive book that lists all of the many models and their corresponding serial numbers.
History of LeCoultre Atmos Clocks
Since its debut, the LeCoultre Atmos clock has been a collector’s item. Clockmaker Jean-Leon Reutter created the LeCoultre clock in 1927 in his home country of France. The Atmos II went into production in 1939 on the eve of tumultuous times around the world.
LeCoultre Serial Numbers Date
The original Atmos I and Atmos II Mercury Reutter models are the rarest models of the clock. The truly unique and rare models have an Oriental motif, wood or marble cases or intricate exterior designs.
Model #519 –
Serial numbers that range from 25,000 to 59,000 were placed on clocks that were made in the late 1940s to 1950s.
Model #522 – The serial numbers are in the 60,000-69,999 range and were made in the 1950s.
Model #526-5 – Serial numbers fall between 70,000 and 107,000. These models were made in the 1950s.
Model #526-6 and #528 – This is a wide swath of serial numbers that range from 107,001 through 599,999. They were made over two decades between 1960 and 1980.
Model #540 and above – These have serial numbers in the 600,000 range and higher. These models were made from 1980 to 1998.
* Model #532 – The serial numbers are unknown for this Atmos clock model.
Where to Find the Serial Number
The LeCoultre Atmos clock designers didn’t always make finding the serial number an easy endeavor.
The Atmos clock’s bellows may have the date stamped on them. The bellows need to be carefully handled. A professional may be the best bet for locating the serial number if it is difficult to find.
Look on the top of the movement by the speed adjustment lever for newer models and on the front of the movement near the bands for older models.
Value of Atmos Clocks
The value of an Atmos clock may lie in its condition more than in its serial number or age. The most common Atmos types in fairly good condition can fetch anywhere from $300 to upward of $1,000. This is for model numbers 519, 526, 528 and 540. These clocks have the standard brass and gold-plated cases.
- Fair condition – The clock may not keep accurate time, and the casing may have a bad case of tarnish or pitting with cracks along the metal exterior.
- Good condition – There are no obvious pits or cracks, but there may be a dullness to the wood or lacquer and hairline cracks that run along the exterior or within the clock.
- Excellent condition – The exterior is shiny and bright with no visible flaws unless inspected closely, and the clock keeps perfect time.
- Mint condition – This often includes the original packaging and documentation along with no flaws when inspected and a perfectly timed clock apparatus in place that has never been repaired.
Repair for Atmos Clocks
If your clock has lost its precision, it can be repaired after a bit of investigation. Clocks need to be oiled and maintained to keep perfect time. Call a professional as soon as you notice that the clock is losing its tick.
An Atmos repair professional can carefully remove the delicate parts of this treasured timepiece with precision. They can clean the years of dirt that may have found a way into the intricate workings of the clock and return the delicate pieces to better condition. Look for a clock repair person who is experienced with antique timepieces, ideally someone who knows the details of LeCoultre Atmos clocks.
Writer Bio
Kimberley McGee has written for national and regional publications, including People magazine, the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Las Vegas Review-Journal and more. The award-winning journalist has covered home decor, celebrity renovations, and sat down with reality HGTV stars to discuss the latest trends.
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