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Khaki Color Codes - The Hex, RGB, HSL and CMYK Values

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By: Contributing Artist

What colors make Khaki?

On this page, you will find the Khaki Hex, RGB, Hue Saturation Light (HSL), and CMYK color codes. We also include shades and variations of Khaki, color palettes, and related colors.

Khaki color code

The Khaki hex code is #F0E68C. The Khaki hex code can be quantified in RGB values which represent the amount of Red, Green and Blue color channels. The RGB value is an estimated amount of red, green, and blue color to create the color Khaki. The RGB estimate is:

  • Red: #F0 in Hex amounts to 94%
  • Green: #E6 in Hex amounts to 90%
  • Blue: #8C in Hex amounts to 55%

Khaki in HSL

HSL is an acronym which stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. HSL was developed for television and standardized for computer displays.

Hue is the perceived color name. Saturation is the "colorfulness" relative to the color's brightness. Brightness is our human eye's quantifed perception of the spectral light distribution. Lightness is the color brightness relative to a perceived similarly illuminated white.

Brightness and "colorfulness" are absolute measures, while Lightness and and Saturation are relative measures.

Khaki is 54deg, 77%, 75% HSL.

  • Hue: 54deg
  • Saturation: 77%
  • Light: 75%

Khaki color in CMYK color model

The CMYK color model is commonly used in printing. The CMYK acronym stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key. Where key is black. Since the black color is the absence of light, the CMYK is a subtractive color model. White light minus red is cyan, minus green is magenta, minus blue is yellow.

Khaki is 0% 4% 42% 6% CMYK.

  • Cyan: 0%
  • Magenta: 4%
  • Yellow: 42%
  • Key (or Black): 6%

Different shades of Khaki

According to its HSL value, Khaki contains about 75% of brightness.

Below are the all the values in HEX, HSL and CMYK color spaces for each shade variations:

  • Hex HSL CMYK
  • #F9F5D1 54deg, 76%, 90% 0%, 1%, 15%, 99%
  • #F3EBA4 54deg, 76%, 80% 0%, 3%, 32%, 99%
  • #EDE177 54deg, 76%, 70% 0%, 4%, 49%, 99%
  • #E7D74A 54deg, 76%, 60% 0%, 6%, 67%, 99%
  • #E1CD1D 54deg, 76%, 50% 0%, 8%, 86%, 99%
  • #B4A417 54deg, 76%, 40% 0%, 8%, 86%, 99%
  • #877B11 54deg, 76%, 30% 0%, 8%, 86%, 99%
  • #5A520B 54deg, 76%, 20% 0%, 8%, 86%, 99%
  • #2D2905 54deg, 76%, 10% 0%, 8%, 86%, 99%

Accessibility tips when using the color Khaki

Ensure your content remains available to the broadest possible audience. Make sure the text color has enough contrast with its background. When using Khaki on text, we recommend you use black for the background.

The reason Khaki contrasts better with a black background is because Khaki has a degree of brightness of 75% which provides better contrast on a dark background.

The Khaki color palette hex codes.

There are a few color palettes available when working with Khaki, but below is our favorite:

  • Baba Ganoush
  • Peachy-Kini
  • Spaghetti Monster
  • Honeydew Sand
  • Sprouted
  • Pineapple Perfume

By interpolating Hue and Saturation values, we can also generate great color palettes inspired from Khaki

  • Snowflake
  • White Russian
  • White Chocolate
  • James Blonde
  • Pie Crust
  • Illuminating

Below is a series of palettes generated from the color Khaki:

Palette variances of 3 colors:

  • #F0E58C
  • #F08C9C
  • #D88CF0
  • #8CF09C
  • #F0E58C
  • #F08CB0
  • #F0E58C
  • #F08CBA
  • #9C8CF0

Palette variances of 4 colors:

  • #8CB7F0
  • #8CF0A3
  • #F0E58C
  • #F08CB7
  • #F0E58C
  • #F0A58C
  • #F08CB3
  • #EA8CF0
  • #8CF091
  • #F0E58C
  • #F08CA4
  • #C78CF0

Palette variances of 5 colors:

  • #8CA9F0
  • #8CF0D8
  • #9CF08C
  • #F0E58C
  • #F08C8F
  • #F0E58C
  • #F0B08C
  • #F08C9C
  • #F08CD1
  • #D88CF0
  • #8CE6F0
  • #8CF0C3
  • #8CF08C
  • #C3F08C
  • #F0E58C

Palette variances of 6 colors:

  • #8FF08C
  • #A9F08C
  • #C4F08C
  • #DFF08C
  • #F0E58C
  • #F0CB8C
  • #8CF0CD
  • #8CF092
  • #BFF08C
  • #F0E58C
  • #F0AB8C
  • #F08CA6
  • #C1F08C
  • #DDF08C
  • #F0E58C
  • #F0C98C
  • #F0AD8C
  • #F0918C

You will find specific color values of Khaki on this page. For example, the Khaki HEX color code is #F0E68C. We offer a variety of color palette, variances, and an expert color mixer to develop color schemes. Related colors for Khaki are:

  • Pineapple Perfume color code is (238.0, 238.0, 136.0).
  • Gold Grillz color code is (236.0, 224.0, 134.0).
  • Spaghetti Monster color code is (238.0, 204.0, 136.0).
  • Green-Yellow (Crayola) color code is (240.0, 232.0, 145.0).
  • Honeydew Sand color code is (238.0, 206.0, 141.0).
  • Sprouted color code is (243.0, 212.0, 139.0).
  • Beekeeper color code is (246.0, 228.0, 145.0).
  • Instant Noodles color code is (244.0, 212.0, 147.0).
  • Poached Egg color code is (245.0, 216.0, 147.0).
  • Templar'S Gold color code is (242.0, 230.0, 136.0).

These values can help you match the specific shade and find complementary colors. Looking for a different shade of pink? Our color mixer expertly generates nine different shades and eighteen color variances.

At ourpastimes.com, we are a creative team of product designers, engineers, and data scientists who want to make the internet a better place. We have poured over color theory, the math is tougher than you think, and built a showcase for color combinations.

We started by building a great virtual color mixer. We hope everyone has seen a color wheel. Personally, I loved the color wheel in my art classroom growing up. The acrylic paints like Titanium White, Burnt sienna, Dioxazine Purple make combining colors visceral and our color mixer virtually offers that visceral feeling of color mixing paints. Use our color mixer to build your next color scheme!

The color wheel pickers showcase 12 main colors. The three primary colors are red, green, and blue. When combined together, the primary colors create pure white light. Secondary colors result from mixing two primary colors:

  • Red and Green make Yellow.
  • Green and Blue make Cyan.
  • Blue and Red make Magenta .

Combining a secondary color and a primary color yields tertiary colors. There are six tertiary colors. The six color names are orange, chartreuse green, spring green, azure, violet and rose. Colors continue to expand, for example, halfway between blue and violet is indigo, color code #4B0082, and violet is halfway between blue and purple.

So, the color wheel includes twelve main colors: red, orange, yellow, chartreuse green, green, spring green, cyan, azure, blue, violet, magenta, and rose.

But how do you mix paint color? To mix acrylic paint to make gold you mix in a small quantity of brown paint (approximately one part brown to 10 parts yellow). Our color mixer is expert at mixing color by parts. Adjust the color levels with an easy toggle and we handle the math to generate the resulting hex code, RGB and HSL.

Included in our color pages are color palettes, we generate color combinations between three and six colors. We call each different color mixture “palette variances.” Each color palette variance includes eighteen color mixes with HEX code displayed.

A third component we provide on this page is color shades. For example, shades of Khaki include Pineapple Perfume, Gold Grillz, Spaghetti Monster, Green-Yellow (Crayola), Honeydew Sand, Sprouted, Beekeeper, Instant Noodles, Poached Egg, and Templar'S Gold. We offer nine tints and shades for each color. A color shade is found by adjusting the color saturation to find a darker hue. A color tint is a lighter color. For example, pink is a tint of red.

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