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Can Iron-On Transfers Be Put on Polypropylene Bags?

Iron-on transfers are a convenient way to apply an image to an object. They can be professionally made or created at home on a computer, then printed onto special paper.

Usual uses for transfers

Iron-on transfers are frequently done on T-shirts and tote bags. According to the Hewlett-Packard website their transfer sheets should be used on fabric that is at least fifty percent cotton.

Transfer paper

Iron-on transfer papers are made with a polymer release coating to allow the image to transfer to the material with the application of heat.

Heating methods

Businesses use specially designed heat presses to transfer the image to the fabric, while home owners use an iron on the cotton setting without steam.


The cotton setting on an iron is 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Polypropylene melts between 160 and 170 degrees Celsius which is between 320 and 338 degrees Fahrenheit.


Since the iron would have to be set at or near the melting point of the bag, it isn’t possible to attach an iron-on transfer to a polypropylene bag without damaging it.

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