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How to Use a Mad Catz Black Ops Controller for the PS3

The Mad Catz Black Ops controller helps you increase kills in shooting games.
Ethan Miller/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The Mad Catz Black Ops PlayStation 3 controller, released alongside the "Call of Duty: Black Ops" game, helps gamers improve their shooting accuracy with a special PrecisionAIM mode. The Black Ops controller also features a Combat button that gamers can map to perform one of several functions such as swapping a weapon or reloading. Besides these two functions, the Mad Catz Black Ops controller works much like an official Sony PlayStation 3 controller.

Connect the included USB cable to the Mad Catz PlayStation 3 controller. Connect the USB cable to the PlayStation 3 to charge the Mad Catz controller. The controller may take several hours to charge completely.

Disconnect the USB cable if you want to use the controller wirelessly. Plug the wireless dongle into a PlayStation 3 USB port.

Power on the PlayStation 3. Slide the switch on the bottom of the controller to the "On" position.

Flip the controller over if you want to map the two Combat buttons. Slide the switch above the "Combat 1" button to map it to L3, X, O or Up. When you press the "Combat 1" button, it performs the action you mapped to it. To map the "Combat 2" button, move the switch to R3, Square, Triangle or Down.

Slide the switch on the bottom of the controller to "PrecisionAIM" to turn the mode on. When active, hold down either Combat button to slow down aiming speed.


The controller's two analog sticks glow red by default. A switch below the analog sticks lets you turn the light off.

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