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How to Make Homemade Silver Polishing Cloths

Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images

Things You'll Need:

  • 4 - 6 pieces of flannelet cut into 12” squares
  • 2 cups cool water
  • 1/2 cup ammonia
  • 1/4 cup liquid silver polish
  • Glass bowl
  • Spoon
  • Latex gloves


They can be used until they’re quite dirty.
When they no longer clean silver, simply throw them away and make new cloths.


  • If hanging them inside, be sure to open a window since the ammonia fumes can cause headaches and dizziness.
    Keep out of reach of children and pets since ammonia and liquid silver polish are poisonous.

Anything made of silver can begin to tarnish in as little as two to three weeks. What first starts out as a bronze haze on a cherished silver ring or tea set will soon turn to a black film. Silver tarnishes from the interaction with sulfides in the air and needs routine cleaning to keep it looking shiny instead of dull. These homemade polishing cloths will remove any tarnish that clings to silver jewelry, platters, silverware and other items made of silver. Polishing cloths are used by professional jewelers since they're very gentle on silver and won't scratch it. These can be made at home for a fraction of the cost.

DIY Silver Polishing Cloths

Pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl and stir well.

Take one of the flannel pieces and immerse it into the solution, allowing it to soak for a minute.

Put gloves on, take cloth out of the solution and squeeze it to remove any excess liquid.

Set cloth aside and repeat with remaining pieces of flannel.

Hang cloths to dry, remove gloves and throw them away.

When cloths are dry, fold them and put into a resealable plastic bag.

Use the cloths to buff silver jewelry, silverware, and other silver pieces.

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